24th Toronto International Film Festival Coverage: Day Two

Busy day for the crew today. We headed over to the Uptown Cinemas for the premiere of Happy, Texas. The film’s stars William H. Macy, Steve Zahn and Illeana Douglas mingled with autograph seekers before heading into the screening.

Next up was a quick jog to the Elgin Theatre, where Joe the King was having its screening. Two of the film’s stars, Ethan Hawke and Noah Fleiss, were in attendance.

Speaking of attendance, Ride with the Devil had a pretty full class. The gala screening at Roy Thompson Hall was the biggest grouping of photographers yet, as everyone wanted a shot of director Ang Lee and the film’s stars Skeet Ulrich, Jeffrey Wright, Tobey Maguire and Jewel. We have a ton of photos from Day Two. See you tomorrow night…

TIFF Day Two Photo Galleries