General Evans Above Archive for Sep 17, 2002

Looking back at TIFF 2002

Sep 17, 2002permalink

The 27th Toronto International Film Festival is over. I’ve had my sleep. I think I’m rested after the 10 days, but I still have the urge to stand and photograph red carpets.

The Festival was a little low key this year, but that’s only fitting considering it straddled the first anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks.

High point: Watching the amazing chemistry between Moonlight Mile stars Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon.

Low point: Dealing with a snotty young photographer from New York who was loud, obnoxious and insulting. His good point: He united all the other photographers who all thought he was an idiot. He said he won’t be coming back. Let’s hope that’s a promise.

We’ll be fleshing out our daily TIFF reports with some press conference anecdotes ASAP.