General Evans Above Archive for Sep 02, 2002

Blogging the Festival

Sep 02, 2002permalink

Covering a film festival is wacky. Lot of activity — running to screenings at one location, a photo op at another and a press conference at another — followed by periods of waiting on red carpets to guarantee a great shot when the limos arrive.

It just occurred to me that I should be blogging the Toronto International Film Festival. As I’m waiting on the red carpets, or quickly downing a coffee, I could be sending off a quick update on some handy dandy PDA or something.

One problem: I don’t have a handy dandy wireless device. If there’s a company out there who’d like to loan us one for two weeks I’ll eagerly place a “Remote updates made possible by” link on our postings.

Requirements: A light, portable device that a) will enable me to use a small web browser or send email, b) come with a free access account and c) work in Toronto obviously.

The Festival starts on September 5th. In these days of FedEx, this shouldn’t be a problem. If you’re interested, drop us a line.